Saturday, October 19, 2013


Go grab a cup of coffee (or a glass/mug Pinot Grigio, depending).  Sit down.  
I have some "stuff" to fill you in on.....

OF COURSE you've noticed that I've been absent....... (OK, MAYBE you've noticed)
I've been working with JWM Productions on bringing "Heritage Returned", or some facsimile of it, to the smaller screen...........

My last entry of September 28, 2012 
was right when the S*#T started to hit the fan for me........  

I started speaking with a lawyer about protecting the concept.  The next week, on October 2nd, my mother had a stroke, and then another.  
That Sunday, October 7th, 2012, she passed.  

The NEXT day, on October 8th I had a meeting with my lawyer.........

Fast forward a few months........ 

Remember The Stringer Family Bible from my September 17, 2012 entry...... NO ?...... Go take a peek again.

Ken Stringer, Sr. passed on February 20, 2013.  What I didn't know when I returned the Bible to he & his family, was that he had been battling Multiple Myeloma... His wife, Marie told me that in the months prior to his death, he had asked for three things, and one was to get the Bible blessed.  
On the night of his passing, their son, Kenny, brought the Bible to the hospital where it was blessed by the vicar of their church as their family & a few close friends laid their hands upon it.............  After it was blessed, he received his last rights.......
To be honest, I never thought that a simple act of kindness would or could have such an affect on one family.  It's hard to explain that I'm just as thankful for them, the Stringers, as they are for me for returning their heritage to them.

Ken Stringer, Sr., wife, Marie, and mother, Barb.

We made the "sizzle reel", which is basically a 3-4 minute commercial for the project or show you're working on, in April.  We returned The Burns / Overington Family Bible to the great great great great-granddaughter of the original owners of the Bible.  We returned it at The Trinity Church Oxford in Northeast Philadelphia.  
Sandi Gammon was the recipient of the Bible, and I couldn't have found anyone more deserving of it.  I found her because she has a blog about her family's heritage:
What an incredible story, and perfect fit.

As I type this on October 19, 2013, waiting to go to work at my store,
I'm waiting with baited breath to hear back from JWM Productions, who are waiting to hear back from The Smithsonian Channel.  
Sometimes, I get more anxious waiting for a "no", than I do waiting for a "yes".........
There will be some "tweaking" done, either way.
And either way, I'll be letting all of you know the results.

Lest you forget,